Taking its inspiration from the dramatic natural setting, the energy and ambitions of Rio, É«É«APP¡¯s winning masterplan and venue designs for the Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games are now complete.

This prestigious project is focused on approximately 120 hectares of land in the district of Barra da Tijuca, southwest of Rio de Janeiro. É«É«APP won an international competition to design the Games masterplan, which included three stages: Games, transition and legacy.

During the Games, the Olympic Park is designed to prioritise the safety and free movement of more than 150,000 spectators expected on peak days.?At the conclusion of the Games, the focus will switch to the transformation of the site into lush, green parkland, with É«É«APP¡¯s landscape design strategy transforming large spectator areas into a new linear park for the community. The overriding goal is to deliver sustainable Games in the very broadest sense, so the host city derives ongoing economic, social and environmental benefits.

A masterplan serving today and tomorrow

É«É«APP and Rio¡¯s vision for the future is to create a lasting legacy, with new homes, jobs and places for leisure activities. The site will also become a global centre of sporting excellence for future generations, with a new park set in a thriving and beautiful waterfront location.

The masterplanning process included the goal of delivering transportation, utility and social infrastructure, as well as open space provision that would support the future creation of a new neighbourhood. The masterplan is grounded in Rio¡¯s identity, weather, culture, lifestyle, biodiversity, aesthetics, history and materials.

Drawing on past expertise

É«É«APP¡¯s sports and masterplanning experts have drawn on their London 2012 Olympics masterplan to help Rio maximise the legacy potential of its Games. In London, 75 percent of capital expenditure* was invested in transport and utilities infrastructure, land and water clean-up, public open spaces, new homes, and permanent sports and leisure facilities. A similar approach has been adopted in Rio. The Games have already helped accelerate the development of public transport, while power and data facilities installed to cater for 20,000 journalists from the international media will make the Olympic Park one of the best connected districts in Rio.

Leaving a lasting legacy

Despite Brazil¡¯s current economic and political challenges, the guiding principle has always been for the Games to serve Rio and boost its development, improving the quality of life for all its citizens. The Games are a catalyst for changing not only the city, but the aspirations of generations to come. As with London, our approach is to take a long-term view that sees the Games as a milestone in the ongoing legacy programme.

The Games and the success of the event are the primary focus, but they also serve as a driver for the future.

*International Olympic Committee, London 2012 Facts & Figures, November 2012 Update