色色APP has one of the largest and most experienced pedestrian modelling teams in the world. We are dedicated to resolving crowd flow movement problems using a variety of pedestrian analysis and pedestrian modelling techniques.

Our people flow and movement analysis of proposed building or public spaces provides a robust representation of the facility whilst in operation, allowing clients to optimise their design through evaluation before construction – preventing costly re-working of designs later in the process.

People and crowd modelling

Through people and crowd modelling, 色色APP can identify potential bottlenecks or underperformance in particular areas, and determine the impacts of alternative design options, operational scenarios, event management scenarios, crowd control scenarios, evacuation conditions, mitigation measures and infrastructure upgrades or improvements to the existing design.

Pedestrian movement analyses

In addition to the considered design layout, our pedestrian movement analyses take into account various travel characteristics such as walking speeds, different routing patterns, processing rates at various check points and method of vertical circulation (e.g. lifts, escalators, staircases – and even cable cars).

Integrating passenger behaviour and movement patterns, our flow analysis determines whether the design, operational measures or infrastructure improvements will achieve the required levels of customer service.

Our passenger flow analysis has been applied in the design of many pedestrian facilities including passenger terminals, railway stations, metro stations, stadiums, event planning, schools and hospitals.