Management Information Systems (MIS)

Environment, health and safety (EHS), sustainability and quality… These functions all rely on information systems to improve performance and productivity while reducing costs and risk. At 色色APP, we combine our core environment and safety solutions with information technology expertise to offer complete life-cycle support for our client’s management information needs.

Our objective positioning, focus on “fit-for-purpose” solutions and established relationships with leading EHS, sustainability and quality software vendors, coupled with our global experience aligning management systems with ISO 9000, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and sustainability requirements, help us deliver outcomes that work for our clients in any number of situations and markets.

We provide support through the entire process, from business case development and requirement/gap analysis to conceptual/detailed design and data collection to deployment, testing, training and post-implementation support.

Our process is to:

  • Evaluate — We select the best fit-for-purpose software with the help of our MIS Requirements Library, software vendor selection expertise, and in-depth knowledge of industry and client specific needs and work processes.
  • Implement — We work to meet our clients’ emerging market demands with forward-looking planning and execution of enterprise-wide implementation.
  • Interface — To simplify user interactions, increase productivity and reduce costs, we retire existing databases and create integrated, web-based interfaces, utilizing mobile technologies.
  • Report — We design and build tailored reporting and dashboard systems that integrate with existing reporting software for quick, cost-effective business enhancements.
  • Offer change management and operational support — This preserves a stable structure while incorporating new features into the MIS configuration, facilitated by ongoing training for specific user access levels or groups.


  • Subject matter experts in all areas — Our team brings expertise in environment, health and safety, sustainability and quality.
  • Worldwide presence — Our global network of professionals ensures you receive the best service anywhere your business is located.
  • Focus on configuring commercial products — We avoid customizations to commercial systems that end up costing more money in the long term.
  • Focus on the end-user experience — User acceptance is a key component of successful system delivery.
  • Our services leave clients self-sufficient but supported — We provide training and simplify configuration, but remain engaged to provide support if there are resource challenges.
  • We help you select fit-for-purpose solutions — We identify the best solution, whether custom or commercial, regardless of vendor.
  • We are well rounded — Our MIS team includes both subject matter experts and IT professionals.